Blackmores Top 5 superfoods

Top 5 superfoods

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What makes a food ‘super’? Discover why these foods stand out from the rest and find out our picks for the top 5 foods you should be eating now.

The superfood tag is used to describe foods that are particularly high in essential and phytonutrients.

These nutrient-rich foods are thought to be especially beneficial for health and wellbeing.

Here are 5 to add to this weeks’ grocery list.


Native to the Mediterranean, Kale has been cultivated for over 2000 years.  Kale is a member of the cabbage family- alongside broccoli and Brussel sprouts- a group of vegetables garnering interest due to their phytonutrient profile.

Kale in particular is a rich source of antioxidant vitamins A and C, isothiocyanates and indoles (phytonutrients) , and is one of the highest vegetable sources of calcium, making it a great option for those on a dairy free diet.

How to use

Add kale to a stir-fry, your favourite green smoothie or sprinkle with olive oil and sea salt and bake in the oven until crispy (about 8 minutes).


Quinoa (pronounced ‘kin-wah’) is a native grain of the Andes of South America where it has been a staple food for thousands of years.

Quinoa has gained popularity around the world as a super food due to its protein content.

Quinoa also has a glycemic index (GI) value of 53 making it a great choice for a low GI diet, is gluten-free and is a good source of the B group vitamins and is, on average, a better source of minerals than wheat, corn and rice.

How to use

Qunioa has nutty flavour and makes a great addition to salads, soups, and curries, or as a substitute for rice.

Goji berry

Goji berries have been used as a functional food and in traditional medicine in Asia for over 2,000 years for a number of purported benefits including liver health and as an anti-ageing tonic.

Goji berries are a source of carotenoids- particularly zeaxanthin, and polysaccharides. The polysaccharides in goji berry are thought to be responsible for many of the benefits of the fruit including as an antioxidant and for immune support.

How to use

Goji berries can be eaten raw, as an addition to trail mix or added to a smoothie or salad. You can also infuse them in hot water to make goji berry tea.


Arthrospira plantensis- spirulina is a type of blue-green algae which is found in warm, alkaline waters around the world- in particular Mexico and Central Africa.
The use of spirulina dates back to the 16th century. The Aztecs would harvest ‘blue mud’ which contained spirulina. In Africa spirulina was called Dhie  and was harvested in a similar way to the Aztecs in the Sahara Desert.

Spirulina contains almost 70% protein which is highly digestible and provides all of the essential amino acids.  Spirulina is also a rich source of the B group vitamins, chlorophyll and a number of essential minerals including zinc, selenium and magnesium.

Spirulina is potentially a powerful antioxidant due to its content of antioxidant nutrients including beta-carotene, tocopherols and phycocyanins.

How to use

Start your day with a green boosted digestion juice- combine pineapple, apple, kale, lemon and 1 teaspoon of spirulina.

Wheat grass

Triticum aestivum- wheat grass is the young green plant that grows to produce wheat grain.  Like spirulina, wheat grass is referred to as a “green super food” rich in chlorophyll and containing vitamins A, C and E, iron, calcium and magnesium

Wheat grass also contains about 30 enzymes and is a complete protein with all essential amino acids.

Did you know? Despite its name, wheat grass does not contain gluten and is suitable for those on a gluten free diet.  

How to use

Add wheat grass to your morning juice- especially good with a combination of carrot, apple ginger- for a nutrient-packed drink to kick off your day.

References available on request

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