Blackmores Time to detox

Time to detox!

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Well, January's here, and you guessed it! It's a perfect time to detox!

Has the Christmas pudding remained somewhat undigested in your abdominal region? Does a brief peek in the mirror reveal a few additional blemishes? Are your energy levels just not quite what they should be?

Well, January's here, and you guessed it! It's a perfect time to detox!

Has the Christmas pudding remained somewhat undigested in your abdominal region? Does a brief peek in the mirror reveal a few additional blemishes? Are your energy levels just not quite what they should be?

Do the leftover chocolates and wine keep tempting you? Maybe your exercise routine has slipped, even if you are spending more time on the beach.

If you see yourself in any of these scenarios, you are not alone.

That is why January is the perfect time to detox!

Over the years, I have developed my own style of January detox, and I thought I might share my preparation routine with you.

Firstly, I am the type to make a fairly gradual transition into healthy cleansing. During the first week of the new year, I tend to clean out my cupboards, stock up on the right fresh, healthy food, and get rid of (usually by gradually consuming, depending on the amount!) the not so healthy food. This gives me an adequate period of adjustment, and it doesn't make me feel like I am going cold turkey!

Then I gradually start to re-introduce some of the healthy habits that I have let slip. Usually, the biggest one for me is exercise. Picking up my exercise routine again instantly motivates me to make other positive changes.

Fresh filtered water is a must for me, and I use it as a focus point of preparation. I make sure I am drinking at least 2 litres per day to begin to flush and hydrate my system post-Christmas and New Year. I have fresh lemon on hand to spruce it up and make it more refreshing. Another trick I love is to pick fresh mint from the garden and put individual leaves in my ice cubes. As the ice melts, I end up with cool and delicious mint-flavoured water. Very refreshing!

So, that's usually my first stage. Gradually transform my cupboards and fridge to detox-friendly foods, increase my exercise routine and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

How do you prepare your body for detox?