How to introduce your new partner to your pet


07 Feb 2020

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and perhaps you’ve got a special (human) someone you’re ready to bring home to meet your dog? Here’s how to make sure it runs smoothly.

When I first introduced my dog to my now husband, it went something like this: I was holding our Jack Russell, and said to him – “go on, pat him, he likes people.” So he did, and my dog promptly bit him. Not the best start.

As a much more experienced dog owner now, there were several factors at play during that introduction that I could have completely avoided and created a much better outcome. For one,  holding the dog in my arms as my partner reached over him would have made my boyfriend appear threatening. Secondly, my dog did not like males he didn’t know, as he had been kicked by his previous owners neighbour many times before he came to live with us – so I should have taken a much slower approach. And thirdly, my husband stuck his hand straight out to pet him, rather than allowing him to sniff the back of his hand first. And these are just the three most obvious mistakes made.

Considering your partner is potentially going to be in your dog’s life for a long time, it’s important to put some consideration and effort into their first (and subsequent) catch ups. While some dogs will quickly adapt to a new person in your life, others may find it stressful and become agitated.

Here are some simple tips for a smooth introduction:

Signs your pooch is not coping

Despite the best laid plans, sometimes things will go pear shaped, and it’s important to know when to get help. If your dog is snapping or snarling, pacing, or clearly unhappy, you may need to enlist the help of a dog behaviourist. Signs your dog is not coping can be mild, so look out for any behavioural changes, from lack of appetite, to destructive behaviours or aggression after introductions are made. If the relationship is long term then it’s best to nip any problems in the bud from the start, before bad associations can become ingrained. 

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