4 beetroot recipes to boost your wellbeing


03 Oct 2019

Keen to add this excellent source of nutrients and heart health boosting properties to your diet? Here’s some simple recipes to bump up your beetroot intake.

Beets have been shown to deliver a decent dose of vitamin C, iron, folate and magnesium, and are an excellent source of dietary fibre. They’re also rich in nitrites, and a unique source of betacyanin, both important for a < >healthy heart.

How to prepare beetroot

Raw: If you want to add beets raw to salads or to spice up a coleslaw, simply wash and grate them or put them through your spiraliser.
You can also bake beetroots or boil them.

Roast: Put washed beets on a baking sheet, skin on, and cook on 200ºc for 45 minutes to an hour (they’re done when you can easily pierce them with a fork.) When they have cooled, peel the skin off. 

Boil: Add the beetroot to a pot of boiling water for 25 to 30 mins, then pop them straight into a bowl of ice water. Now you can easily peel the skins and add to your recipes (or eat as is.) 

If you’re too time poor to cook them, they can often be purchased cooked and peeled in the pre-packaged salad section of your supermarket, or grab a can, open and rinse!

1. Beetroot boost detox juice


How to make
In a blender, mix chopped and peeled beetroot & oranges, sliced ginger and ground cardamom

The combination of beetroot and orange gives you a healthy dose of antioxidants. Warming ginger and cardamom help to soothe and support digestion. 

Here are some more beetroot recipes courtesy of nutritionist Dr. Rebecca Harwin

2. Beetroot & kale salad

Serves: 2


How to make
Kale is a source of a variety of key vitamins and minerals. It contains the vitamin K, essential for regulating healthy blood clotting. Add to this the healthy nitrates found in beetroot, and you have a tasty salad with nutrients to support a healthy cardiovascular system.

3. Tempeh stuffed capsicum

Serves: 4
How to make Beetroot is a source of contains gut-friendly fibre, magnesium, and antioxidants. Add in tempeh, well-known for its healthy dose of probiotics, and you have an easy vegan meal that tastes great and may improve your digestive function, too!

4. Raw carrot and beetroot salad

Ingredients How to make Check out more of our tasty healthy recipes or sign up to the Wellbeing Kitchen and get a free healthy recipe delivered to your inbox every week!