Why you should smile when you run


17 Aug 2018

Want to run faster and more efficiently? Research suggests you should put a smile on your dial to improve your performance.

Running and happiness

There is a lot of focus on how exercise -such as running - can boost your happiness.

The elevation of your energy levels, improved sleep, and feelings of general wellness and self esteem that may come with regular exercise certainly won’t do any harm.

And don’t forget the runners' high - that state of euphoria that comes with extended workouts.

But have you ever wondered if happiness makes you a better runner? Could something as simple as smiling while you run actually improve performance?

Smiling when running boosts your performance

Psychological strategies are important for endurance performance and can impact upon running economy. It can even help to explain differences in performance between athletes otherwise matched in technical measures of fitness.

A study published in the Psychology of Sport and Exercise compared the impact of smiling and frowning on running economy.

While this study only used a small number of subjects, it was found that just over 58% of participants were most economical when smiling compared to frowning.

People who frowned while running also scored higher on perceived level of effort compared to runners who were smiling and relaxed.

The mechanism by which smiling helps to boost performance is unsure, but it’s possible that smiling helps runners to relax and reduce muscle tension, and act as a distraction to any discomfort.

How to S.M.I.L.E more while you run

Brick NE et al. The effects of facial expression and relaxation cues on movement economy, physiological, and perceptual responses during running. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 2018: 34; 20-28.